Tag: Pin
Heyo! I haven’t been publishing much on here recently, mainly because I’ve been writing for Unwinnable instead. Come check out my monthly, noteworthy hip hop selections over there, and stay…
Polygamer Podcast
Check out my interview with Ken Cagne about my dissertation, Reddit, GamerGate and politics in the digital era!
AMA Session on Reddit
If you are interested in Reddit, politics, GamerGate, check out my AMA with the Reddit community about my dissertation. I’m called a Nazi at least once!
Publics and Counterpublics on the Front Page of the Internet
You can find a copy of my dissertation here: http://search.proquest.com/docview/1719155030?pq-origsite=gscholar. You can also download a copy from my website here: http://blog.noahspringer.com/publics-and-counterpublics/
Serious Play
You can download my master’s thesis here: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1713&context=theses. You can also download it directly from my site here: http://blog.noahspringer.com/serious-play/